I stumbled onto a report I wrote nine years ago when I worked in an academic IT office. I was a web applications developer for a graduate school in the humanities. We mostly used Rails to build in-house administrative applications.

So here’s an overview of what I had been doing for a year, professionally speaking. The period was 2012–2013.

Applications and websites

Infrastructure and ongoing maintenance

Internal collaborations

Comment from 2022:

It’s interesting reading, compared to where I am now. I’m no longer a one-person application development shop. I work in a big, complicated engineering team. I don’t do all the operational stuff that I used to do; I don’t do the project management or front end interfaces either. I’m more specialized. I work on one major application, instead of lots of medium-sized projects.

You lose something along the way, though. I miss having the freedom to experiment, to install new software without months of reviews. I miss learning my way around a big and exciting new field.

The inevitable price of experience.